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DEC 23 5PM   |   DEC 24 9AM & 11AM

Christmas Eve services at Grace are a joyful celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ! There's great music, Christmas fun, powerful traditions, and a relevant, practical message. Three service options are lined up over two days, so you can find the Christmas Eve service time that's perfect for you! Whether you have a more traditional church background or none at all, you’ll feel right at home at Grace for Christmas.

What should I wear?

You won’t feel out of place whether you’re wearing jeans or a jacket and tie. Wear whatever makes you feel comfortable!

Is there anything for children?

Childcare will be available for children up to Kindergarten age. 

How long is the service?

Christmas Eve services run about 60 minutes.

What time should I arrive for service?

We want to make sure that you find a seat, so please arrive at least 20 minutes before the start of service.

Can I bring guests with me?

Yes! Bring family, friends, neighbors - everyone you know!

Grace is located four miles south of Greenwood Park Mall
- ¾ miles north of Tracy Road on US 31 in Greenwood

The most impactful gift that you give someone this year may be an invitation to church! Just download the graphics below and share on Social Media or text to your family, friends, and neighbors. Here are some easy ways to make the ask:

You're invited to Christmas at Grace!

Need Christmas plans? Join me at Grace! AGraceChr

This is your invite to Christmas at Grace!

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